Thursday, 15 December 2011

Coming soon (maybe)

This blog is about the romantic comedy novel Looking For Buttons.

The book is complete.  The blog is on hold for a while: life keeps getting in the way.

Thursday, 1 December 2011


Not much happening round here, is there?

Thank you for noticing.  That's because a lot has been happening elsewhere, not much of it related to writing, unless you subscribe to the "all experience is material" school of thought.  However, there are a few molecules of relevant information, so here they are:

1.  Looking for Buttons is doing the rounds with agents again.  I'm unconvinced I could cut it as an indie writer, especially since the 70s bonkbusteresque attempt at a cover image (not the idea I wanted to convey at all).

2.  I have a pen name at last, which I shall reveal when I am certain I'm not pinching anyone's identity in a heinous way.

3.  The thriller-with-no-name has a name but a blog about Looking for Buttons is not the place to reveal it.  I may have to start a new blog. Again.

4.  The follow-up to Looking for Buttons is underway.  I have characters, a plot with a beginning, a middle and an end and the actual writing has begun.

None of this is terribly exciting, I'll admit, but it is progress.

Do say hello if you're reading this.  It feels a bit like talking to myself, only with no-one answering.