Monday, 12 September 2011

Busy doing, well, a little more than nothing

There isn't a great deal of progress to report.  I've scrapped the initial attempt at an e-book cover image, mainly because it made Looking For Buttons look like a seventies bonkbuster.  I can only think that most of what passes for my creative brain was tied up in 1978 working on the thriller when I did it.

Otherwise it's been business as usual:  tweaking the text after Norfolk Bookworm's feedback and submitting to another agent.  The thriller staggers on and the new romantic comedy is percolating nicely in the depths of my subconscious and should start to take shape on the page soon.

Right, can't hang around here all day.  I have to eavesdrop on some imaginary people and see if I can make a book out of it.